쿠키의 명작 COUQUE D’ASSE !
입안 가득 부드러움이 느껴지는 풍부한 맛과 달콤한 향이 감도는 쿠키입니다
부드럽고 풍부한 맛과 달콤한 향이 감도는 마스카포네 치즈!
더욱 깊고 풍부해진 밀크로 입 안 가득 부드러움을 느껴보세요!
쿠크다스를 맛있게 먹는 방법!
1. 커피랑 함께 하면 더욱 맛있어요!
2. 페르페의 포인트로 데코하고 함꼐 즐겨요
3. 케이크 위에 데코로 풍부한 맛을 더해요
Couque D’Asse began in 1986 as a classic soft biscuit and has kept its unique place in the market that has not been met by any competition from a similar product. Couque D’Asse has always been very popular as a premium cookie product with its soft texture that melts while breaking gently in the mouth. The year 2015 saw an attempt to shift its classic image into a more modern one with the concept of mélange, a French word meaning ‘blend’, or ‘mix’. The existing ‘White’ cookies had mascarpone cheese added to become a new variation called ‘White Torte’ while the ‘Coffee Slim’ went through a re-birth as ‘Viennese Coffee’ as it adopted pure Columbian Arabica coffee beans as its flavor ingredient instead of instant coffee.
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